Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Topic : Statistic and The Straight Line - DOWNLOAD
Form : 4

Monday, November 2, 2009

SPM Candidates 2009

Wishing you all the best in SPM 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

SPM Maths Formulae List

One of the biggest mistakes that make by most SPM students is--They do not memorize the important formulae.

Most students thought that formulae will be given in exam, so they don't need to memorize it. This is a big mistake, for the formulae list given in the exam is not complete, has no label and mess up in topics. Most of the time, students don't know which formula to use, or they even don't know such formulae exist if they do not memorize the formulae.

Knowing and be familiar with the formulae is very important in learning Mathematics. The formulae list provided below is a complete formulae list for Malaysia SPM syllabus, including a lot of IMPORTANT FORMULAE which is not given in SPM Exam Paper Formulae List or any Reference Books. Feel free to download it and print in out for your personal use or share it with your friends.

SPM Maths Formulae List -DOWNLOAD


SSI Mathematics Module SPM 2009
ANSWER SSI Mathematics Module SPM 2009

Soalan Peperiksaan Setara & Percubaan SPM

Soalan Percubaan MRSM

2003 Kertas 1 Kertas 2
2004 Kertas 1 Kertas 2
2005 Kertas 1 Kertas 2
2006 Kertas 1 Kertas 2

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mathematics Olympaid Questions for Year 2010 - Preliminary round

Kindly try the following question:

This question is suitable for students of form 1 to form 6.
If you can do it, please email your solution to:
stpm_mathematics@hotmail.com for qualifying ticket to represent SSI in the OMK (Olympaid Matematik Kebangsaan ) pada tahun 2010.